Saturday, January 1, 2011

Happy New Year!!!

Holy crap it is 2011... I always thought it was sooo annoying how parents and grown-ups always complained how time flies when you're older,  I always thought it dragged on and on, that it, until I had Kayden. I can't freaking believe he is almost 2.5 already
 A New Year means a new slate of 'promises' to change bad habits and make better ones, to do better, to be better blah blah blah.As lame as I think it is, there is definately something refreshing about starting 'fresh'. Today is the first day of the rest of my life... This year is going to be different... Seriously though, it's going to be a big year. Kayden will turn three and inevitably start being sneaky and talking back, I will graduate with a Bachelor of Nursing (after 10 loooooong years) and we will likely start thinking about giving him a sister (someone to wear the gorgeous pink cashmere booties I have in storage!!) and maybe think about buying a house!! Hopefully sometime in there I finish losing the baby weight (aka the extra weight I've carried around since I was a baby), I've reinlisted in Weight Watcher's, there is just something so motivating about publically humiliation via 'weekly weigh in' that gets me moving!! So cheers to big changes, little changes and to another year of life with my fantastic friends and family. We wish everyone the best in 2011.